Often an overlooked and an underrated of all the plans that you make when you are going to be a mother is breast preparation for successful breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is one of the most crucial activities for a mom as well as for the child for good health, to form a close emotional connect and it’s a key factor that helps you get rid of those extra pounds you carry and find it difficult to shed off. Those babies who are only fed breast milk for the first six months of their lives gain the antibodies that are present in breast milk which help them to fight off any virus or bacteria that may infect them. They also run a smaller risk of developing ear infections, diarrhea, and respiratory illness.
Many women around the globe find difficulty in establishing successful breastfeeding with the baby. Reasons can be numerous, out of which we usually do not pay attention to prepare our breasts to do this job. This is the first time in a women’s life when breasts become functional.
Colostrum is being produced from about 16-22 weeks of pregnancy, although many mothers are not aware that the milk is there since it may not be leaking or easy to express. Massaging your breasts at least 6 weeks before your delivery, will help them to unplug the milk ducts so that smooth and uninterrupted flow is ensured.
Using your fingertips, very lightly massage from the top of your breast down and over the nipple Then press firmly on your breast and massage in a circular motion to encourage milk towards your nipples.
Think about lips that get sore or cracked from the wind or sun. The same is with breasts. Moisturizing your breasts helps in avoiding cracked nipples which can even be painful and prove to be a hurdle in establishing a good breastfeeding mechanism. Use unscented, chemical-free agents such as extra virgin coconut oil to moisturize.
Note: After birth, clean water and breast milk itself are sufficient to clean your breasts and keep them moisturized respectively.
One of the most surprising facts about breastfeeding is that it is a lot depends upon your mental status. The hormonal cycle (consisting prolactin and oxytocin) indulged in milk production and ejection are closely related to how you feel about becoming a mother and being a sole authority for feeding your little bunch of joy for at least a year which is going to be one of the best experiences of womanhood and that’s what is going to make your baby lay a healthy foundation for his/her upcoming life.
There are plenty of designs and styles to choose from. With a slit or a flap in the front of the garment, nursing clothes can make breastfeeding easier and more discreet. Go for: comfortable nursing top, nursing bras, nursing tank tops, nursing wraps, or button-down dresses.
No matter what your diet lacks in, milk produced in your body will compensate those deficiencies from your reserves, So it’s important to have a balanced diet rich in protein, calcium, iron, vitamins (A, B6, B12 C, thiamine, riboflavin) and minerals so that your body does not undergo degradation. Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
M. Sc. Gold Medalist
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