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Will I be able to breastfeed my baby if I have suspected or confirmed coronavirus

Will I be able to breastfeed my baby if I have suspected or confirmed coronavirus?

Yes. The benefits of breastfeeding your infant far outweigh the risk of transmission of coronavirus through breastmilk. The main risk of breastfeeding is due to the close contact between you and your baby which can pose a risk of droplet infection that can spread to the baby while breathing. Discuss the risks and benefits with your treating doctor and family before you make a decision. Here are some steps to follow to minimize the risk of transmission:

  1. Wash your hands before feeding or touching the baby, breast pump or bottles
  2. Try to avoid coughing or sneezing while you feed
  3. Wear a face mask while feeding, if available.
  4. If you are using a breast pump, follow instructions for cleaning and sterilizing properly.
  5. Consider asking one of your healthy family members to feed your baby if you are expressing milk.

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